Finding Time
Finding Time
No doubt if I had written a book then it would have been easier to lay it all out, read and read again. Then of course decide that I am absolutely nuts even thinking that this would help anyone and most likely hide it away with regrets and disappointment.
At least doing a blog I know that once it is published then it is out there for all to see. The other truth is that a book costs money to buy and just think of all the heartache is trying to get a publisher to believe in your work and ohhhhhh my mind is spinning at the stress and anxiety of writing and book!....... so we will just stick this aye??
For all those northern hemisphere readers, (if this ever gets that far) you will need to remember that January is our summer time and of course our big holiday season. The second thing you need to know is that I am a school teacher, and like all school teachers this is the one time of the year that we find time for ourselves and can actually THINK!! Not about work, or events on, but about anything we want.
We make lists, whether in our head or actually on paper. This list may contain attainable summer break things to complete, or just far-fetched jobs we actually want our poor husbands to end up doing. Mine started with sanding and painting the window frames outside, I got as far as cleaning the outside of them. Then I realised that I hate doing jobs like that on my own and roped in the rest of the family. Why is it that kids always want to do the fun part like using the hose? We adults end up doing the real task? Hmmmm?
So on this list went sorting out linen cupboard, tick. Do you know how many set of sheets I had accumulated? Really girls, do we actually NEED that many? And let’s not forget the towels. Yes, the many piles of towels we have stacked in that cupboard. What are we afraid of? A national shortage of manchester? We cannot become one of those ‘just incase’ people.
On with the list. Now at this point I will mention that as a serial list maker, I do get a sick satisfaction from doing a task, not realising it is on the list, then writing it on the list just to getting the thrill of being able to put a line through it. Yes, I know, you may smile, but the endorphin kick is out of this world. Why you ask? Because this means that I actually found time to do something extra! You see, finding time is like trying to find the lost dummy (pacifier) in the middle of the night in the dark as wee cherub cries the house down. Nearly impossible! You want to turn on the light, but you know that if you do, it is all over red rover. The battle has been lost. Finding time is like that groping in the dark, searching every corner, and if you were like my son, there was only one that he loved for night! Finding time becomes a precious commodity, something you could possibly trade for something else. But why should it be like that? My husband has always said that people always have time and money for what they really want. He is right.
You see, so far my list on the minus side has been fairly fine. But the Plus side, well that's another story. Because one of those items is something that requires me to add time for something each day, to read a bible devotion and just reflect and pray. I only quantified it as 10 minutes, but already, in the holidays, I am failing to set aside that 10 minutes. This may well be on the list longer than I thought. Nonetheless it will stay there until I have mastered it.
Homework, to look at the list, which ones seem easier? the Plus side or the Minus side? Have you put a quantity on the 2 for each side? I already know that after 4 days, I have to just rethink how I am going to tackle it, not take it off the list, just make it work.
Please spread the word if you think this will help others. Until we meet again
God Bless
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