Essential essential oils

Sparkling dishes
Ever wished your dishes could look like they do in that dish-washing detergent commercial? Well, now they can! Just add a few drops of lemon essential oil to the soap dispenser in your dishwasher for dishes that are literally sparkling clean.

Keep Creepy-Crawlies Out of Your House
Spiders, mice, and other vermin hate the smell of peppermint. If they detect it, they’ll immediately turn around and leave. You can repel them by soaking cotton balls in peppermint essential oil and placing them strategically around the house, like kitchen cabinets and pantries. Another way to do it is to add 10 to 15 drops of the oil to a water bottle and spray it throughout the house, getting all the way back in those cabinets, corners and other areas that mice and spiders tend to hide in.

Fight Germs on Your Workout Stuff
That gym bag – those athletic shoes, yoga mat, and other workout-related items – tend to get pretty gross in a very short period of time. To eradicate germs on them, fill a small spray bottle with water and add a drop of lavender and a drop of tea tree essential oil. Spray down everything you use each time you’re finished with it.

Get More Productive at Work
If you want to improve your focus, as well as speed and accuracy while you’re working, particularly when you’re working on a cognitive task, keep some rosemary essential oil in your desk and take a whiff when you start to feel like you’re dragging. Research has also suggested that it may help to strengthen your memory too

Deter Pesky Flies
Have a problem with flies getting into your home? During the summer months, when they tend to come in droves, place a diffuser near doors and windows which see frequent use.  Add a few drops of lemongrass essential oil to the water and keep the diffuser running during the daytime to deter flies and other insect pests from entering.


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