Being Present

I have realised recently that I have been so focussed on what I want for my future that I have lost sight of the present. I am not living for the now. I am not enjoying the moment. I have been restless and discontent with the now. By doing that I am robbing myself of a purpose to fulfil, a vision to be part of.
The train trip became boring. Instead of looking out the window and taking in the view I have at present I kept looking out the window ahead.
I was no longer 'present' where I am now. My body was there but my heart was absent. I was going through the motions, and doing a very good job. There was no complaints about the effort. However, I keep looking for more. Something better. I know what I would like to be.
To be present in a relationship or workplace requires more than just your physical body. It needs more than just your effort. It needs your heart, your dedication and your buy in. To have a sense of ownership and investment. Not just with your head but with all of you.
Getting out is not always the answer to your 'absence'. Not if you know deep down that this is where you are meant to be right now. I have learnt that by moving on doesn't mean the issue will go away. It will most certainly follow you and reappear again.
Guess what? The problem is not the others or everyone else. It's you!!
I have always been so quick to blame my circumstances, my past, my current situation. But as hard as it is to face I have come to know that it is me. How I am choosing to react or respond.
I have friend whose life really is a battle on any given day. Her husband 'clocked out' and went to find himself, thousands of miles away. Left her with 3 boys who all have their moments. It is hard work for her. My heart often goes out to her. I think many times about how difficult it must be for her to see any light, to not blame the ex, to just choose to be 'absent'. But some how amidst all these dramas, worry and incredibly taxing times, she still manages. Is she thriving or surviving? Not sure. Does she just keep looking for the day when it will end? perhaps.
There are woman out there in our circles who are 'absent' who are going through the motions of living. If anyone comes to your mind right now then please make a promise to get in touch with them this week. Please don't brush it off. They need encouragement, they need to know how to see  each day for what it is again. They need to know that they have a very important purpose.
Look out the train's window right now. Look at the view. Find its beauty. Soak it in. Be at peace.


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