It's ok to keep changing.

I always called myself a wifi whore in the lightest of contexts. That's because my phone plan doesn't give me much data, so wherever I go I ask for the wifi password, a standard practice now. The boys use to be embarrassed but it benefits them too so they get over it pretty quickly.

I recently wrote a Facebook post about skincare skanks, you know, those women that like to jump from brand to brand because they simply like variety and get bored. I am one of those. I use to beat myself up because I couldn't stick to something for years and years. I have always said to my husband that he is the longest fad I have stuck with!! Count yourself lucky big fella.

But this last few months I have been pounding my theme of 'self-awareness' and it is through this journey of self-awareness that I am finally coming to some freedom points in my life. Freedom points are moments when I stop and realise that I no longer have to be a slave to things anymore, I no longer am going to feel guilty and beat myself up about it anymore.

When Andrew married me he soon realised that I was an 'impact player', I was someone who would go in, make a difference then after a wee while I would get bored and move on. He couldn't really see it as a positive thing at first, because Andrew was the type of person who would stick with something out of obligation, even if it wasn't fitting his needs.

We are always evolving, always changing, always reinventing. If we don't we will shrivel. We will stop laughing, stop seeing the purpose and stop feeling meaning. If that means being a person who loves variety, then so what?

There are only a few things that I am going to keep around and are non-negotiable keepers. Number one My adorable husband and sons, my organic skincare range (lots of options for variety in the company!! phew) and my faith. Everything else is changeable.

My strengths lie in my ability to be changeable and adaptable. It is my strength to be able to make a difference for however length of time that may be. We are all called for reasons and seasons. The time of that season is dependant on our mission and goal.

If this resonates with you then please feel free to have a conversation with me. It has been so refreshing to meet other people like me, it is liberating and we all inspire and spark each other.

Have a wonderful week beautiful beings.


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